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Conectarnos con magento usando python

Marlon Falcon Hernandez, pythonmagentorpc

XML-RPC (Remote Procedure Call) es un protocolo de llamada a procedimiento remoto que usa XML para codificar los datos y HTTP como protocolo de transmisión de mensajes.1

link: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/m1x/api/soap/introduction.html

Lista de Comandos de la API de Magento

[cart[0m: create, info, license, order, totals
[cart_coupon[0m: add, remove
[cart_customer[0m: addresses, set
[cart_payment[0m: list, method
[cart_product[0m: add, list, moveToCustomerQuote, remove, update
[cart_shipping[0m: list, method
[catalog_category[0m: assignProduct, assignedProducts, create, currentStore, delete, info, level, move, removeProduct, tree, update, updateProduct
[catalog_category_attribute[0m: currentStore, list, options
[catalog_product[0m: create, currentStore, delete, getSpecialPrice, info, list, listOfAdditionalAttributes, multiUpdate, setSpecialPrice, update
[catalog_product_attribute[0m: addOption, create, currentStore, info, list, options, remove, removeOption, types, update
[catalog_product_attribute_media[0m: create, currentStore, info, list, remove, types, update
[catalog_product_attribute_set[0m: attributeAdd, attributeRemove, create, groupAdd, groupRemove, groupRename, list, remove
[catalog_product_attribute_tier_price[0m: info, update
[catalog_product_custom_option[0m: add, info, list, remove, types, update
[catalog_product_custom_option_value[0m: add, info, list, remove, update
[catalog_product_downloadable_link[0m: add, list, remove
[catalog_product_link[0m: assign, attributes, list, remove, types, update
[catalog_product_tag[0m: add, info, list, remove, update
[catalog_product_type[0m: list
[cataloginventory_stock_item[0m: list, multiUpdate, update
[core_magento[0m: info
[core_store[0m: info, list
[customer[0m: create, delete, info, list, update
[customer_address[0m: create, delete, info, list, update
[customer_group[0m: list
[directory_country[0m: list
[directory_region[0m: list
[giftmessage[0m: setForQuote, setForQuoteItem, setForQuoteProduct
[sales_order[0m: addComment, cancel, hold, info, list, unhold
[sales_order_creditmemo[0m: addComment, cancel, create, info, list
[sales_order_invoice[0m: addComment, cancel, capture, create, info, list, void
[sales_order_shipment[0m: addComment, addTrack, create, getCarriers, info, list, removeTrack, sendInfo

Listar totas las ordenes de ventas de Magento

# -- coding: utf-8 --
import xmlrpc.client
url = ''
username = 'odoo'
password = 'aqui_pones_pass'

proxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('{}/api/xmlrpc/'.format(url))
session = proxy.login('odoo', 'x1234567890')

args =  []
sales = proxy.call(session, 'sales_order.list', args)

Version de Magento

magento = proxy.call(session, 'magento.info')

Listar una Tienda específica

args =  [{'store_id':'1'}]
store = proxy.call(session, 'core_store.list', args)

Listar Productos con PPRINT

import pprint
args =  []
product = proxy.call(session, 'catalog_product.list', args)

Operadores SQL

from => After the given timestamp
to => Before the given timestamp
like => Like the given text (SQL syntax, using % for wildcards)
nlike => Not like the given text (SQL syntax)
eq => Equal to the given value
neq => Not equal to the given value
in => In the given array
nin => Not in the given array
null => Is null
notnull => Is not null
gt => Greater than
lt => Less than
gteq => Greater than or equal to
lteq => Less than or equal to


args =  [ {'created_at':{'from':'2020-03-16 00:00:00'}}]
args =  [{'created_at':[{'key':'created_at','value':{'key':'eq','value':'2020-03-16 18:48:35'}}]}]
sales = proxy.call(session, 'sales_order.list', args)

mfalconsoft@gmail.com / +34 (662) 47 0645RSS